The seniors battled the juniors at the annual PowderPuff on Friday, September 27th, from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. on the OP turf. The theme was Batman vs. Joker, with seniors donning Batman apparel and the juniors in Joker-wear. The night began with the pep rally at 6:00 p.m. The hour was filled with chants, games, and cheers for the OPHS sports teams and the PowderPuff girls. The pep rally was the perfect way to pre-game for the seniors’ victory.
The crowd was decked out in Batman and Joker costumes, and face paint was evident throughout, showing support for the girls on the field. The crowd roared every second of the game, creating an energetic atmosphere.
The seniors started with the ball, scoring three incredible touchdowns. Juniors fought back by scoring two touchdowns, nearly leveling the playing field. The seniors cemented their lead with another three touchdowns, one of them led by the Homecoming Queen herself, Sadie Bellinger. Perhaps feeling too comfortable, the seniors took two flags near halftime, one being just twenty seconds before the end of the half.
Halftime rolled around with the crowd keeping up its positive energy. Opie led the spirited fans by running around the track with a Batman flag, clearly favoring the seniors, which the crowd responded to with thundering applause. Fans also fueled up with food, such as freshly grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, chilled drinks, and salty snacks from the new field house snack shack. When halftime came to an end, the battle on the field continued.
The seniors scored another touchdown during 3rd quarter, keeping their motivation alive. The energy spiked as the seniors scored yet another touchdown, but they received a flag on the play pushing them back. Even pushed back, the seniors won 48-14. The girls’ effort paid off. ”The seniors deserve the win for how much work they put into it” said freshman Brianna Moore.
Sophomore girls, it’ll be your turn soon, and it’s never too early to start practicing and brainstorming team themes. It will be an intense game next year; the future seniors will be looking for a vicious comeback. Good luck, girls!