Grammar Club had its first meeting of the year on October 23 after school in room 316. The club is designed to teach about unfamiliar grammar, mechanics, and usage, while also being a fun space to bring friends and learn. The relaxed environment at Grammar Club keeps everyone waiting for future club dates.
Twenty-one people attended the October meeting, and everyone left knowing the difference between passive and active voice. But most importantly, everyone left with a smile. Students heard a 5-minute lesson on the difference between passive and active voice and made a “NOT Passive Pumpkin” poster where they wrote a passive sentence that they then made active. It was Sarah Mathews’s first time attending the club. “It was surprisingly very fun,” said Mathews.
Grammar Club meets monthly and discusses a grammar topic and does a fun activity to go with it. New members can stop by and ask specific questions, and have a snack and drinks while doing grammar-related activities that are hung both inside and outside of room 316. “Grammar club is a fun place to learn and also be with my friends, so I am excited to be there next month,” said club member Lindsey Howard, who was unable to attend the first meeting.
Being able to learn new information and have a great time with friends is the main goal of the Grammar Club. This is just the beginning of what this year has to offer. Co-president Lilly Croft was asked what ideas are planned for future meetings: “More hands-on crafts will be incorporated, like making ornaments and Valentine’s Day cards that use correct grammar.”
Grammar Club meets one Wednesday a month throughout the year. Information about dates and meeting activities is posted on the QTV announcements about a week in advance, as well as on the TVs in the cafe and Commons. Contact club advisor Ms. Rodemeyer with any questions.