Do you ever feel like you never have enough time to eat breakfast in the morning? Or in the middle of the day, do you feel your stomach growling as the clock reaches third period? If so, then this article is meant for you.
It can be a grueling task to get up in the morning; having to hear that enervating beep of the alarm, just to come to school at the early hour of 7:25 A.M. You want to get through your routine as fast as you can, so you don’t have to spend one more minute dealing with the morning. However, it is essential to have a good breakfast to help not only your physical health but your mental health, as well.
Here are the results of our most recent poll asking how many times people eat breakfast per week:
- Never: 15%
- 1-3: 15%
- 4-6: 11%
- Every day: 30%
- Only on the weekends: 22%
- Only on the weekdays: 7%
With these results, the lack of people eating breakfast needs to be addressed.
According to the States’ Center For Disease Control and Prevention, “Students who had higher school connectedness were approximately 30% less likely to skip breakfast on all 7 days.” To put this in simpler terms, busier people eat breakfast less. However, not eating breakfast has many negatives that may outweigh the positive factors of getting ready faster.
According to the National Library of Medicine, skipping breakfast can result in “cardio-metabolic risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, unfavorable lipid profiles, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.” After examining this information, is skipping breakfast truly worth the risk?
Some may say that it’s too hard to make breakfast every morning; however, making breakfast can take as little as 5 minutes. If you are in need of quick breakfast ideas, below is a list of efficient breakfast smoothies that will keep you full.
Protein powder can be a great and very quick way to feel full and prevent hunger in the middle of third period.
Strawberry Dream: If you’re a fan of strawberries and bananas, then this smoothie is absolutely perfect for you.
- ½ frozen banana
- 1 c. frozen strawberries
- ¾ c. ice
- ¾ c. greek yogurt
- ½-1 c. of milk (depending on how thick you want)
- 1 scoop of protein powder
PB + J: The classic school lunch food has now been transformed into a delicious smoothie to brighten your morning!
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 c. blueberries
- 1 tbsp. peanut butter
- ⅔ c. greek yogurt
- ½-1 c. milk
If you’re not a fan of smoothies, there are numerous other recipes to satisfy your stomach.
Overnight oats are a great option to help get your fiber, protein (with Greek yogurt/protein powder added for more), and other vitamins and minerals.
An easy base for these oats is 1 part oats : 1 part milk. If you want more fiber, change the ratio to 1 part oats : 1 part milk : ⅛ part chia seeds.
You can then add fruit, chocolate, or whatever toppings you like. You can also blend your oats if you do not enjoy the texture.
These great breakfast ideas can help ensure that you are enjoying yourself and aren’t miserable at school; they can help keep you full without being anxious about when lunch will come.
Bon appétit!