Orchard Park seniors in the Academy of Finance (AOF) hope to excel on their final projects. They will present their work to the AOF board, mentors, alumni, and other important community figures. This intense moment is the final step of the Academy and a moment to look forward to for the students in the program. Final projects are presented throughout students’ senior year, with the most recent group having just presented on March 11.
Since freshman year, Academy of Finance students have been constantly told about the summer internship program. All students in the academy are required to complete a minimum of 100 hours unpaid or 150 paid hours at a designated site. Both opportunities take giant chunks of their summer vacation time. During the internships, students are supposed to learn the ropes of the job, as well as gain a behind-the-scenes perspective.
When the internship is complete, interns are required to create a video explaining the internship to the AOF Advisory Board. The video includes backgrounds on a students placements, when they did it, and what they learned, including the best and worst parts. In the AOF program, this video is the most significant grade and presentation for the students in their four years of high school.
“It is very important. It is the final step to becoming an AOF graduate before heading out for my business major,” said Maxim Bliemeister, a current AOF student.
Striving to create a quality video is extremely important to the academy’s students. This video serves solely as a reflection of their entire internship experience.
Creating the video isn’t the hardest part either; presenting it takes its toll on students. Presenting this project to the Academy of Finance advisory board and others is extremely anxiety-provoking, but it comes with the high reward of graduating from the Academy of Finance.
“I’m decently nervous. The AOF presentation is undoubtedly my biggest event in senior year, and I’m praying I do fine,” said Steven Barlette, a current academy member, 10 minutes before his presentation.
The idea of standing up and presenting frightens students, making them nervous and overwhelmed in hopes they can complete the difficult task well.
“The senior internship presentations are crucial for AOF students as they serve as a graduation requirement, showcase professional skills, and provide a platform to make a strong impression to the advisory board,” said Mrs. Casto, the Academy of Finance director.
This essential project is a perfect scenario to help students network themselves before departing from high school. Providing a quality presentation will give students a perfect step into their path to adulthood.
Maryann raczkowski • Mar 21, 2025 at 2:21 pm
Informative article – thorough presentation of the AOF, its purpose and goals. AOF graduates should be proud.